Thursday, April 06, 2006

Goodbye Punkin

Yesterday morning, I had to do a grievous task. Our 17 year old cat, Punkin, had grown so old that she quit using the litter box. So yesterday, I took her and had her put to sleep.

Anyone who has lost a beloved pet, in this way, can understand the grief I feel. No one else can. It's not as horrifying as losing a loved one. It's not like losing a pet to old age or sickness, either. The grief of the loss comes from knowing that I have done the deed, while still having a great fondness and affection, that had grown for 17 years.

So yes, I wept. I still cannot type this with dry eyes. And I know it is "just" a cat. But isn't it interesting how God uses situations like this to soften our hearts?

Goodbye, Punkin.


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