Reflecting on Christ
Consider Jesus Christ, the Messiah:
- He came from the eternal bosom of His Father – to a region of sorrow and death;
- God – manifested in flesh;
- Creator – made a creature;
- He that was clothed with glory – should be wrapped with the rags of flesh;
- He that filled heaven and earth with his glory – should be cradled in a manger;
- The God of Israel – fled with his parents to Egypt;
- That the God of the Law – should be subject to the Law;
- The God that made the heavens – worked at Joseph’s homely trade;
- That He that binds the devils in chains – should be tempted;
- That He, whose is the world, and the fullness thereof – should hunger and thirst;
- That the God of Strength – should be weary;
- That His head, before which angels (and saints) do cast down their crowns – should be crowned with thorns;
- Whose hands hold the scepter of heaven and whose feet, “like burnished bronze” – should be nailed to the cross for man’s sins;
- The Judge of all flesh – condemned;
- The God of life – put to death;
- That He that is one with His Father – should cry out of misery, “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
- That He who had the keys of hell and death – should lie imprisoned in the sepulcher of another.
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